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small wood burning stoves

Small Wood Burning Stoves: The Best Tips to Find Your Next Small Log Burner in 2023

When it comes to heating your home, small wood burning stoves offer a charming and efficient solution. These compact heating appliances have gained popularity due to their ability to provide warmth, ambiance, and cost-effective heating.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of small wood burning stoves, factors to consider when choosing one, installation and maintenance tips, as well as environmental considerations.

The Benefits of Small Wood Burning Stoves

Small wood burning stoves come with several advantages that make them an attractive heating option for many homeowners. Here are some key benefits:

Efficient Heating

Despite their compact size, small wood burning stoves are incredibly efficient at generating heat. They can effectively warm up a small to medium-sized room, providing a cozy and comfortable atmosphere during colder months. With proper insulation, these stoves can even heat larger spaces, reducing the need for additional heating sources.


Wood is generally more affordable than other heating fuels such as electricity, oil, or gas. By using a small wood burning stove, you can significantly reduce your heating costs and potentially save money in the long run. Additionally, wood is a renewable resource, making it an environmentally friendly and sustainable choice.

Aesthetic Appeal

One of the major attractions of small wood burning stoves is their charming appearance. They add character and warmth to any room, becoming a focal point and enhancing the overall ambiance of your living space. These stoves come in various designs, allowing you to choose one that matches your style and complements your interior décor.

Independence from Power Grid

During power outages or in off-grid locations, small log burners can be a lifeline for heating. Since they don’t rely on electricity or gas, you can stay warm even when the power is down. This independence is particularly beneficial in rural areas or during extreme weather conditions.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Small Wood Burning Stove

Before purchasing a small wood burner, it’s essential to consider certain factors to ensure you make the right choice. Here are some key considerations:

Heating Capacity

Evaluate the size of the area you intend to heat. Small wood burning stoves come in different sizes and have varying heat outputs. Choose a stove that can efficiently heat the square footage of your space without being too overpowering or inadequate. If you’re not sure on what output you would need to heat your desired space, feel free to get in touch with any of our friendly staff who would be more than happy to advise and help.

Energy Efficiency

Look for stoves that are certified as energy-efficient. The efficiency rating indicates how much heat the stove can generate from the wood it consumes. Opting for a highly efficient stove will not only save you money but also minimize environmental impact.

Safety Features

Ensure the stove you choose has adequate safety features, such as a heat shield, safety barrier, and a properly functioning door latch. These features are crucial in preventing accidental burns or damage to your surroundings.

Installation Requirements

Consider the installation requirements and regulations in your area. Small log burning stoves typically require a chimney or flue system for proper venting. Consult a professional installer to ensure compliance with local codes and to guarantee safe and effective installation.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

Proper installation and regular maintenance are crucial for the efficient and safe operation of small wood burning stoves. Here are some tips to follow:

Professional Installation

It is recommended to hire a professional installer who can ensure the stove is installed correctly, the chimney is properly set up, and all safety requirements are met. Professional installation reduces the risk of fire hazards and improves the stove’s overall performance. We offer a full installation service with our in-house HETAS and Gas Safe certified installers.

For a more detailed breakdown of the costs associated with using a professional installation service be sure to check out our post on how much does wood burning stove installation cost.

Clearances and Ventilation

Maintain the recommended clearances around the stove to prevent any potential fire risks. Also, ensure proper ventilation to allow for the efficient flow of air and prevent the build-up of smoke or gases inside your home.

Regular Cleaning

Clean the stove regularly, removing ash and soot build-up. This helps maintain optimal efficiency and reduces the risk of chimney fires. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning and maintenance procedures.

Environmental Considerations

While small wood burning stoves provide an efficient heating solution, it is essential to be mindful of their environmental impact. Here are a few considerations:

Sustainable Wood Sourcing

Choose sustainably sourced firewood. Avoid using treated or painted wood, as it can release harmful chemicals when burned.

Proper Combustion

Ensure proper combustion by using dry, seasoned wood. Wet or unseasoned wood produces more smoke, contributes to air pollution, and reduces the stove’s efficiency. Store your firewood in a dry place and allow it to season properly before use.

Alternative Fuels

Consider using eco-friendly alternatives such as wood pellets, which produce less smoke and ash compared to traditional firewood. Wood pellet stoves are also highly efficient and offer convenience in terms of fuel storage and automated feeding.

Small Log Burner Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are small wood burning stoves safe for indoor use?

Yes, small wood burning stoves designed for indoor use are safe when installed and operated correctly, following all safety guidelines.

How often do I need to clean my small wood burning stove?

The frequency of cleaning depends on usage, but it is generally recommended to clean the stove at least once a month during the heating season. Cleaning should include removing ash, soot, and checking for any obstructions in the flue.

Can I cook on a small wood burning stove?

Some small wood burning stoves are designed with cooking surfaces or ovens, allowing you to prepare simple meals or heat food. However, not all models offer this feature, so it’s essential to check the specifications before purchasing.

Are small wood burning stoves energy-efficient?

Small wood burning stoves can be highly energy-efficient when properly operated. Choosing a stove with a high efficiency rating and using dry, seasoned wood will maximize its heating performance while minimizing fuel consumption.

Are there any restrictions on using wood burning stoves in certain areas?

Some areas have restrictions or regulations on wood burning stoves due to air quality concerns. Check with your local authorities or fireplace professionals to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Can I install a small wood burning stove myself?

While it is possible to install a small wood burning stove yourself, it is recommended to seek professional installation, especially if you are not experienced in dealing with venting systems and compliance with safety regulations.

Are small wood burning stoves suitable for apartments or flats?

Yes, small wood burning stoves are designed specifically for compact areas, including apartments and smaller living spaces. They provide efficient heating while taking up minimal space.